Seed the Dream Foundation supports and raises awareness about the emergency needs of Holocaust Survivors across the United States and Israel, helping Survivors maintain dignity during their later years of life. Committed to honoring and preserving the lives and stories of those we lost and those who survived the Holocaust, Seed the Dream remains dedicated to educating about the meaning of the Holocaust for the Jewish community and the world. Our priority remains focused on combating anti-Jewish hatred and integrating lessons on contemporary antisemitism into all Holocaust Education, making these lessons accessible for people of all ages across the globe.
Survivor Services
A Seed the Dream Foundation partnership with KAVOD, the KAVOD Survivors of the Holocaust Emergency Fund (SHEF) exponentially multiplies the dollars and vital services directly reaching Survivors in need. Leveraging the funds raised through a philanthropic national matching initiative, KAVOD SHEF works in over 30 communities across the United States to address unmet emergency needs, including; dental, medical, vision, food, emergency home care, emergency transportation, emergency home services (emergency utilities, home repair, and rent support), PPE, and emergency food delivery services.
Seed the Dream Foundation launched the Survivors of the Holocaust Emergency Fund (SHEF)-Israel to address the urgent needs of Holocaust Survivors across the State of Israel. Emergency services provided to Survivors include, but are not limited to: emergency medical needs, vision, dental, apartment accessibility renovations, panic buttons, and adult diapers.
Food Security, Legal Aid, and Other Emergency Needs
Seed the Dream Foundation is committed to raising awareness about and addressing other urgent needs of Holocaust Survivors in the United States and Israel.
Holocaust Education
Lessons on the Holocaust and Contemporary Antisemitism
Seed the Dream Foundation is committed to integrating contemporary antisemitism into Holocaust education materials for middle and high school students. Partners train educators and professionals, create exhibits and digital materials, and deepen lessons for students to engage with and understand this critical content.
Intergenerational Connections
We are proud to work with organizations that foster meaningful connections between Holocaust Survivors and the next generations.